Find the Perfect Glasses To Enhance Your Features Effortlessly

c 1 Find the Perfect Glasses To Enhance Your Features Effortlessly

Key Takeaways If you have a round face shape, let’s just say angular frames aren’t just your best friend, but your BFF. They provide contrast, introducing definition and structure to rounder, softer facial features. And it’s true—rectangular and square frames look especially good on them. These angular frames help to elongate and sharpen the appearance […]

Are Reading Glasses Dangerous for Perfect Vision? Find Out Now!

c Are Reading Glasses Dangerous for Perfect Vision? Find Out Now!

Key Takeaways By the way, 20/20 vision isn’t “perfect” vision. It doesn’t mean that you have normal eyesight at 20 feet. Reading vision is part of an overall vision picture that depends on what you do and how you live. Reading glasses are a great way to improve your near vision and alleviate eye fatigue. […]

How often should you change your glasses

Firefly A man trying on glasses at an optical store highlighting the range of options for all ages How often should you change your glasses

Key Takeaways Glasses should generally be updated every one to three years, depending on your prescription stability, lifestyle, and wear and tear. With regular eye exams, you’ll never be in doubt about the accuracy of your prescription. Watch for symptoms such as trouble reading, blurry vision, or recurring headaches. If you’ve been experiencing any of […]

What is a significant change in eyeglass prescription

Firefly A close up of eyeglasses with clearly visible lenses reflecting vibrant outdoor scenery sym What is a significant change in eyeglass prescription

Key Takeaways A significant change in your eyeglass prescription if you start noticing an obvious deterioration in the sharpness of your eyesight. This frequently means changes of at least 0.50 diopters or greater. That could severely limit your ability to see clearly at distance, intermediate and near. Aging, eye strain, increased screen time or changes […]

What to put on glasses to prevent fogging

Firefly a man walks into a restaurant his glasses are fogged up because of the temperature differen What to put on glasses to prevent fogging

Why Glasses Fog Up Foggy glasses can be a major hassle, particularly in outdoor sports like skiing where you need full visibility. Fogging occurs when lenses are much colder or warmer than the air around them. That temperature difference is what causes moisture to condense on the outside. This is especially true in extreme cold, […]

How To Insert And Remove Soft Contact Lenses – Step-by-Step Guide

premier optiocal How To Insert And Remove Soft Contact Lenses - Step-by-Step Guide

We have created a step-by-step guide for both inserting and removing soft contact lenses. If you would prefer to watch a video demonstration, you can follow along with these videos: Here is a video that can provide additional instructions: How To Insert And Remove Soft Contact Lenses Here is another video: Contact Lens Video Inserting & Removing Contact […]

How To Clean Eyeglasses

what to use on eyeglasses to keep from fogging 03 How To Clean Eyeglasses

It is necessary to clean your eyeglasses daily to keep them in good shape and last longer. As an eyeglass wearer, you’re most likely to know how annoying it is to have grease and smudges stock on to your lenses. Not only would you not be able to see clearly due to blur, you could […]

Why Donate Your Old Eyeglasses

Blue Light Filter Glasses 01 Why Donate Your Old Eyeglasses

  By donating your old eyeglasses, you can easily change lives. There are people all over the world with poor sight and lack of access to eyewear/eye care. Donating old eyewear that are in no use can make someone’s life much better, by regaining their sight back.   HOW DONATING EYEGLASSES WORKS When you donate […]

Visiting An Eye Clinic Near Me

Visiting an eye clinic for a routine eye check-up or an urgent need is crucial; however, you might feel a bit nervous about going out to the clinic during the Coronavirus pandemic. Be stressed no more because we follow all the COVID-19 strict hygiene instructions and disinfection guidelines (as per the ministry of health). The coronavirus […]

Where To Go For The Finest Eyeglasses In Waterloo

Are you putting off acquiring a new pair of glasses because you do not know the right place in Kitchener Waterloo to go? First, you should consider getting your eyes checked and your prescription professionally updated. But where do you find the finest eyeglasses in KW? Are you putting off acquiring a new pair of […]